Nobody thinks they are going to get a divorce when they first get married. The longer your marriage lasts, the harder it can be to rationalize ending it, but that is exactly what's happening with a lot of older couples.
According to Pew Research Center, the number of couples divorcing over the age of 50 (known as “gray divorce”) has more than doubled since 1990, and for those over the age of 65, that number has tripled. Divorce is not a one-size-fits-all process, so fortunately these couples have an alternative to the traditional litigation route by choosing a collaborative law divorce, which may more suitable for couples who have spent a lifetime accumulating wealth.
Why collaborative divorce is easier than litigation for the over 50 set
While it will not work for every couple, collaborative law divorce is certainly of benefit in certain situations. Once you reach a certain age, some of your responsibilities change. You have raised any children you had, and you may be nearing retirement and putting your work life behind you. You finally have some freedom returning to your life at a time where you are financially stable enough to enjoy it. Spending your money on litigation may not be in your best interest.
The collaborative process is less painstaking than litigation, too. Instead of spending weeks looking for legal loopholes to protect your privacy during discovery or cataloging every instance of wrongdoing to use as leverage, you work together with a team of professionals to make fair, mutual decisions.
Reasons collaborative divorce is more attractive to older couples
Getting older typically brings perspective on what is important in life and quality of life is one of the biggest issues after retirement. It makes sense that your needs and wants change as time goes by and you realize that:
- You do not want to waste any more time. Spending time arguing over hurt feelings or trying to get even with one another is a draining, unproductive use of that time when you simply want to go your separate ways.
- Your retirement fund is finite. It makes no sense to squander a retirement fund on fighting when you can preserve it instead. You both know what you want to leave your marriage with, so you can focus on accomplishing that goal in a more reasonable manner.
- The divorce is amicable (or at least polite). There is no rule that says you have to despise your spouse if you choose to divorce. You can honor your marriage while ending it in a peaceful way, and even remain friends if that is what you both want.
Getting older often means a change in priorities in how you want to spend your remaining years. Consider speaking with the professional and caring family law attorney, Tom Holland, about collaborative divorce. To schedule your confidential consultation, call 803-219-2630, or reach out through the contact page. Holland Law, LLC has offices in Fort Mill on Gold Hill Road, and in Rock Hill on Oakland Avenue for your convenience.
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