Representing the accused in York, Lancaster, and Chester Counties
If you've been charged or accused of any type of criminal sexual conduct, you need a lawyer NOW. Getting a jumpstart on your case early in the investigation is critical to maximizing your avenues of defense. Evidence collection and witness interviews can provide valuable opportunities to challenge the state's case against you.
At Holland Law, your story matters. As a former prosecutor, I know that sex crimes are often more gray than black and white. Unfortunately, many people are falsely accused. I know that the damage to your reputation and your future can be irreversible, even if you're found innocent or have the charges dropped. That's why you need a criminal defense attorney on your side from Day One. Contact the office in Fort Mill or Rock Hill to discuss the criminal sexual conduct charges against you, and to start planning your defense.
Holland Law handles all sex crime charges
A single accusation shouldn't endanger your future. An attorney who can provide you with an aggressive yet effective defense is what you need to fight back against criminal charges. Without a strong defense that can take control of the narrative, your life can be left in ruin regardless of the truth. You'll deal with the collateral ramifications of just being accused for years to come whether or not you're actually convicted of any wrongdoing.
An arrest can be based on he said/she said, and they often are. Meanwhile, you'll face conviction in your community based on rumors before ever seeing a courtroom. South Carolina imposes harsh punishment for sex crimes, the most serious being the death penalty under certain circumstances where a sex crime enhances a charge.
Some of the more commonly charged sex crimes under the South Carolina Code include:
- Spousal sexual battery
- Criminal sexual conduct 1st degree
- Criminal sexual conduct 2nd degree
- Criminal sexual conduct 3rd degree
- Criminal sexual conduct with a minor
- Sexual battery with a student
- Engaging a child for sexual performance
- Producing, directing or promoting sexual performance by child
Sentencing can range from a small fine and/or minimal jail time to life in prison or worse. Sentencing will largely depend upon your criminal history, the type of crime and whether your offense falls under a misdemeanor or felony charge. Felony charges may involve criteria such as the use of weapons. A sex offense has the capability of ruining your reputation in the community and professional repercussions.
Knowledgeable help when you are falsely accused of a sex crime
False allegations or accusations that a sex crime has been committed are more common than you might imagine, particularly when they arise from a romantic relationship. An angry spouse looking for a divorce or trying to get full custody, the teenager who doesn't want to get in trouble with his/her parents, the drunken one-night-stand with the murky details: each of these are common scenarios with no clear-cut answers.
False accusations are typically made in fear or under pressure from peers, family or police. Getting to the bottom of a false allegation before it runs away from you is critical to saving your reputation and life from the devastating damage that otherwise awaits. Once an arrest is made, the damage is already being incurred and may never be repaired. Retaining an attorney whose experience will help you navigate the justice system is paramount.
South Carolina Sex Offender Registry
A conviction for any sexually charged crime will no doubt impact your life in ways you never imagine. The social and economic consequences paired with a potentially long prison sentence will be devastating. Even upon your release from prison, you could be required to register for the Sex Offender Registry. Registration allows the general public to view your name, photo, and information about the crime you were sentenced for, making it even more difficult to put the incident behind you and start your life again.
Under South Carolina law, it is necessary for people convicted of certain sex crimes to be listed on the Sex Offender Registry for a period of time. Crimes included are:
- Criminal sexual conduct, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd degree.
- Criminal sexual conduct with minors, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd degree.
- Engaging a child for sexual performance.
- Producing, directing, or promoting sexual performance by a child.
- Criminal sexual conduct: assaults with intent to commit.
- Incest.
- Trafficking in persons.
- Sexual battery of a spouse.
- Sexual intercourse with a patient or trainee.
- Certain instances of criminal solicitation of a minor.
The registration process
Compliance with the rules related to registration on the Sex Offender Registry must be followed or you risk additional legal troubles. Registration requires:
- Registering with the sheriff of each county in which you reside, own real property, work, or attend, volunteer, intern, or carry on a vocation at any public or private school.
- Providing information as prescribed by SLED. The sheriff in the county(ies) in which you register shall forward all required registration information to SLED within three business days.
- A copy of this information must be kept by the sheriff's department. The county sheriff shall ensure that all information required by SLED is secured and shall establish specific times of the day during which an offender may register.
- An offender shall not be considered to have registered until all information prescribed by SLED has been provided to the sheriff.
- The sheriff in the county(ies) in which the offender registers shall notify all local law enforcement agencies, including college or university law enforcement agencies, within three business days that you have registered within their
- Registering twice a year at the Sheriff's office in the county(ies) where you initially registered.
- If the court determined you to be a sexually violent predator, you would need to verify your registration and have your photo taken every 90 days.
- Providing written notice of any and all changes of address/employment/school enrollment to the sheriff within 3 business days of establishing your new residence, employment or school. If the change is to another county, you will need to register there and provide notice to the prior county's Sheriff's Department within the same 3 business days.
Registration applies to juveniles who have been convicted of a sex crime as well as adults.
Removing your name from the registry
It is almost impossible to get your name removed from the Sex Offender Registry. It is a lifetime sentence. The Attorney General must notify SLED that there has been a reversal, overturn, or vacated on appeal and a final judgment has been rendered with regard to any adjudication, conviction, guilty plea, or plea of nolo contendere for the registrant's offense. Once SLED has notice, they are to immediately remove the person's name and any other information concerning that person from the registry.
You may become ineligible for certain employment opportunities and your residential location can even be affected by having to register as a sex offender. Give yourself the best chance you can to get back to life as usual by hiring Holland Law to fight the charges on your behalf.
How Holland Law can help
The moment you have been accused of a sex crime, you need to seek experienced legal help. Waiting can mean accumulation of evidence against you that could limit your defenses. A knowledgeable defense attorney can also provide the following:
- Assistance prior to charges being filed
- Assistance dealing with law enforcement on your behalf
- Strategies to insulate and protect you from allegations
- Analysis of discovery materials and evidence
- Preparation for an investigation plan for your case
- Representation at any stage of your case
- Negotiations for a plea or other resolution to your case prior to trial
- Options for sentencing alternatives to prison
Fort Mill and Rock Hill defense attorney dedicated to resolving your case
Any accusation can permanently damage your future when it comes to sex crimes. Holland Law handles all classifications of sex offenses in South Carolina. I fight hard protecting the rights of York, Lancaster, and Chester County clients. If you have been accused of a sex crime, schedule a consultation with me in either my Fort Mill office on Gold Hill Road, or in my Rock Hill office on Oakland Avenue. Please call 803-590-8170 or reach out to me through my contact page.