Posted by Tom Holland | May 02, 2023 |
Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious crime in South Carolina, and law enforcement agencies are always looking for ways to catch intoxicated drivers before they can cause any harm to themselves or others. One tactic that has become increasingly common in recent years is the use of DUI ch...
Posted by Tom Holland | Apr 25, 2023 |
Divorce can be a difficult and stressful experience for anyone, but when you are a business owner, the process can be even more complicated. The emotional and financial stakes are high, and there are many details to consider when dividing assets and determining spousal and child support. Unfortun...
Posted by Tom Holland | Apr 18, 2023 |
Over the past few year, states around the country have been decriminalizing and legalizing drugs like marijuana and psilocybin (“magic”) mushrooms. (South Carolina is not one of those states.) Even the federal government has been toying with decriminalizing marijuana, with the white House going a...
Posted by Tom Holland | Apr 11, 2023 |
As parents, your job is to raise happy, healthy children. Your job is also to protect them from doing things that are against their own best interests, and from coming to harm.
Children suffer the consequences of accidents every day, and some have a very tragic ending. If your child is injured in...
Posted by Tom Holland | Apr 04, 2023 |
Over the past decade or so, we have seen an increase in the number of older couples – ones who have been married for multiple decades – seeking a divorce. We are not the only ones, either. Even the U.S. Census Department says that people aged 55 and older are divorcing at twice the rate of any ot...
Posted by Tom Holland | Feb 14, 2023 |
Getting divorced is difficult, but getting a divorce when you have children can be exponentially more complicated. This is especially true in the case of a contentious divorce. Every action you take after the divorce may be fuel to the fire for your ex, and it may motivate them to make co-parenti...
Posted by Tom Holland | Feb 07, 2023 |
Many people of all ages have hopes of furthering their education. It is a noble goal for any of us. Choosing a college is a big part of the process – from Ivy League schools, to local state colleges, to community colleges. Of course, some of these institutions are known for their difficulty in ad...
Posted by Tom Holland | Jan 30, 2023 |
Not many of us get married with plans of eventually getting a divorce. Those who marry enter into a loving agreement, most likely planning to live the rest of their lives together. They share belongings and purchases and property – from cars to houses to bank accounts. Perhaps one spouse is the m...
Posted by Tom Holland | Jan 25, 2023 |
There are many reasons we travel out of South Carolina: a wedding, funeral, baby shower, or maybe we're just on a road trip down to Disney World to have fun with the family. Whatever the reason, it's important to know the laws of the state that you're driving in, should you be pulled over for dri...
Posted by Tom Holland | Sep 13, 2022 |
If you are pulled over, and you end up with the police searching your car because they think they smell marijuana, you might be in trouble if they find some. In South Carolina, marijuana is a Schedule I drug that is still illegal to possess and distribute. If you are convicted on a drug charge, p...
Posted by Tom Holland | Sep 06, 2022 |
Getting a divorce is already a stressful event. There's the separation of property, child custody, moving, and ensuring your spouse pays child support. But what if your ex-spouse claims they can't pay child support because they don't have a job? What if you suspect they purposefully quit their j...
Posted by Tom Holland | Aug 30, 2022 |
If you are a licensed professional, then you have worked hard to get where you are now. You've studied diligently, practiced, and earned your license so that you can have the career you've been wanting. But when you are charged with a crime, whether you are guilty of it or not, the charge alone c...
Posted by Tom Holland | Aug 26, 2022 |
Anyone can be a victim of domestic abuse. When your partner is hurting you, physically, emotionally, psychologically, or even financially, it can lead to greater abuse down the line. A new study shows that pregnant women are especially at risk for being abused, and that far too many pregnant or r...
Posted by Tom Holland | Jun 21, 2022 |
Divorce is a tough and overwhelming time in anyone's life. When you are divorcing a spouse with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), the process can become even more difficult and frustrating. Trying to negotiate and work with an individual with NPD holds an entire set of challenges and can f...
Posted by Tom Holland | Jun 15, 2022 |
Getting a divorce can be a complex and complicated process, leading to no small amount of arguing and fighting in order for each party to get what they want. In some scenarios, however, there is the possibility of everyone getting what they want in a calmer and simpler way without the cost of lit...
Posted by Tom Holland | Apr 11, 2022 |
If you're going through a divorce, then you know how stressful the process can be. With today's complex, nuanced laws, a divorce can be confusing, infuriating, and extremely difficult – especially if your spouse is being stubborn with their demands. Separating assets such as cars, homes, and othe...
Posted by Tom Holland | Apr 05, 2022 |
It's normal for teens and young adults to make mistakes; it's part of growing up and learning. They're learning what's popular, fun, and new. However, these mistakes can sometimes land your child in serious trouble with the law. A night of drinking and partying with friends can lead to years of c...
Posted by Tom Holland | Apr 01, 2022 |
Driving under the influence is a serious crime in South Carolina, as it should be. Should you accidentally and unintentionally kill someone when you were drunk behind the wheel, you will face vehicular manslaughter charges, which is why you should immediately speak with an experienced criminal de...
Posted by Tom Holland | Mar 31, 2022 |
Back in 2020, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) warned that anyone who intentionally spreads, or threatens to spread, coronavirus, would be charged with terrorism. According to a memorandum sent out in March of that year, a person could be arrested for coughing on other people or objects with ...
Posted by Tom Holland | Mar 29, 2022 |
A divorce is already stressful enough considering the time and money that goes into them, not to mention the strain of having to possibly find a new place to live, and discovering who gets custody of the children. In a high-conflict divorce, the stress is doubled. Whether that's due to an abusive...
Posted by Tom Holland | Mar 22, 2022 |
More often than not, if you need to ask yourself if you need a lawyer, the answer is going to be yes – especially if you've been arrested for possession of an illegal substance. In order to know why you need a lawyer (other than the legal system is a complex and complicated machine that requires ...
Posted by Tom Holland | Jan 03, 2022 |
If you have ever watched a crime procedural, you have watched the scene where the potential “perps” are put in a line, and a victim is forced to identify the person who attacked him or her. In most versions, the victim either recognizes the alleged attacker immediately, or states clearly and emph...
Posted by Tom Holland | Dec 27, 2021 |
Spouses in South Carolina who divorce or separate have numerous questions about alimony. They want to know the types of alimony there are, the factors that determine whether alimony should be awarded, how much alimony should be awarded, and whether alimony awards can be modified.
We discuss these...
Posted by Tom Holland | Dec 21, 2021 |
Any dispute or altercation that involves physical touching or an attempt to touch someone can lead to assault charges. South Carolina has different levels of assault charges that depend on a few factors. These factors include the severity of the injury the victim suffers, where and how the victim...
Posted by Tom Holland | Dec 14, 2021 |
Family businesses such as restaurants, technology services, professional services, and daycares are the lifeblood of the economy. Many of these businesses are operated by both spouses. Even when one spouse operates the business, the other spouse often helps the spouse in a myriad of ways such as ...