Learn more from an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Fort Mill and Rock Hill
You've worked hard to earn your career. You've met every challenge, including meeting all of the necessary requirements to obtain your professional license. Facing the possibility of losing all of that can be gut wrenching, but it's the potential reality of your situation when you're under investigation for an allegation of criminal activity or other impropriety.
Don't let a complaint or investigation go ignored. Hiring a savvy criminal defense attorney who understands that professional repercussions can have a devastating effect on your life can protect your future. Contact Holland Law in Fort Mill or Rock Hill to schedule a consultation.
The role of the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation
Anyone can lodge a complaint against a licensed professional for any reason, and each of those complaints must be given due attention by the South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (LLR). It is LLR's job to ensure that anyone with a professional license remains in compliance with the rules that govern their profession and state law.
When there is an allegation that one of those rules or laws has been broken, LLR's job is to investigate and determine whether an actionable offense has occurred. These boards investigate, conduct hearings, and dole out punishment to licensees, when necessary or appropriate.
You could receive anything from a letter of caution to suffering the loss of your license and livelihood. There are 42 categories of licensed occupations overseen by LLR. Each is governed by a board of your professional peers, but make no mistake – these boards look at every allegation seriously.
LLR has far-reaching authority that can hinder your career
It only takes one complaint about something significant to send your reputation spiraling in the community. Disciplinary and administrative actions are two of the avenues LLR can pursue if they find a complaint against you to have merit.
LLR is required to review every complaint that crosses their desks, no matter how trivial or serious. If the complaint appears credible, the investigation will begin during which you will have the ability to counter the allegations in the complaint. During the process, LLR will potentially:
- Provide you with a Consent Agreement to review and sign, avoiding a hearing.
- Provide a Memorandum of Understanding that imposes sanctions, which requires attendance at a meeting of the Board and final hearing.
- Draft and serve you with a formal complaint and proceed with a disciplinary hearing. Results of disciplinary hearings are made available online for the general public to review.
Potential consequences stemming from a complaint include:
- Letter of reprimand
- License suspension
- License revocation
- Payment of a fine
- Probation
- Damage to reputation
If you fail to do a proper job, you will be contributing to your own professional demise. Professional standards have been put in place for a reason; to protect both you and your clients or patients. LLR investigators understand that, but a good defense requires intricate knowledge and understanding of the rules and law, or you face your professional license being ripped away.
What charges can prompt an LLR investigation?
Aside from accusations stemming from clients, collegaues, or other people involved in your day-to-day work activities, certain criminal charges can also prompt an LLR investigation. The most common charges include:
- Criminal sexual conduct
- Murder
- Assault
- Weapons charges
- Theft and other financial crimes
- Criminal domestic violence
Special consequences for servicemembers or law enforcement
If your occupation is in law enforcement or the armed services, you have even more to lose than the average licensed professional. As a state or federal employee, professional repercussions will follow you around to every job you ever apply for again.
Should you choose another career or self-employment that requires issuance of a professional license, your law enforcement or military jacket will be impossible to avoid disclosing. If you face a review board or Criminal Investigative Division investigation for professional violations or even allegations of a personal nature that violate the law, the outcome can ruin your current and future career prospects. In the immediate future you risk:
- Loss of security clearance
- Loss of rank
- Loss of pay
- Ineligibility for promotions due to inability to meet licensing qualifications
- Inability to carry a firearm
- Court-martial
- Dishonorable discharge
When your job is protecting the citizens and country, you deserve fierce protection from losing a job for which you have sacrificed everything and dedicated your life.
Holland Law knows the right approach makes a difference
The evidence provided by the complainant coupled with a dive into your professional history, including former complaints, will help LLR determine how to proceed. Having a knowledgeable defense attorney who knows how to deflect evidence against you that could be viewed in a negative light is an advantage that you need. Professionals need experienced advocates in their corner when the alternative could be permanently losing your career.
Holland Law makes defending professional licenses a priority because I know that the loss of your license means losing the life you've sacrificed to create for yourself and your family. You've built your career on having a good reputation and my goal is to ensure that reputation remains in good standing.
Don't face a South Carolina LLR investigation on your own
Holland Law serves licensed professionals in York, Lancaster, and Chester County who are facing potential suspension or loss of their occupational license. To schedule a consultation with me in either my Fort Mill office on Gold Hill Road, or in my Rock Hill office on Oakland Avenue, please call 803-590-6692, or reach out to me through my contact page.